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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Welcome to my world

I am new to blogging, so please bear with me while I bumble through the wonderful world of blog. If you are reading this, you may have already guessed that I am not a professional writer. Most likely you are a friend, a friend of a friend, or we connected somehow on facebook. One of the reasons I began blogging was to share a positive attitude when dealing with Fibromyalgia. Reading things others have written can at times be overwhelming. What I mean by overwhelming is that a certain type of negativity can come through. Accepting the challenges that fibro brings means learning to accept your new limitations. Although your activities are limited, if you pace yourself and keep a positive attitude, it will help you when the really painful days strike. Learning to curb my enthusiasm about life in general was difficult at first. I still have high expectations of what I can do. When I am feeling well, I forget I have this albatross hanging around my neck. Bad days mean staying in bed and not moving a muscle. I don’t want to share those days with you. I want to share the good days, positive messages and links others may find helpful.

Thanks to a wonderful friend and Surgical Physicians Assistant, I finally took his advice and switched my medications to include: Lyrica, Ambien, Aleve and Prozac. Lyrica to help control the pain, Ambien for the much needed sleep to help my body rebuild itself, Aleve for the muscle and joint aches and Prozac to help with secondary depression and anxiety. Having cognitive and concentration difficulties are a daily struggle which I have tried to overcome by writing notes. Would be great if I could just remember to write the note in the first place and then if I do write it, I need to place it somewhere I will be sure to find it! Oh the complications. (LoL)

I plan to share with you tips I find or things I have discovered on my own. If you are reading this, you most likely already know what Fibromyalgia is. For those of you that don’t, I will try to describe it for you by providing some information. No matter what life may bring, I plan to live it to the best of my abilities, to be positive, to not give up and to do whatever I can to have fun! I will not let Fibromyalgia take over my life in a negative way.

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