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Friday, November 5, 2010

A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words

How does a person explain Fibromyalgia to someone who doesn't have it? I found different pictures on the internet which I have copied. I did not take these pictures or create them. I am not even sure who they are all from, but I wish to thank whoever did them for expressing such feelings and emotions in them. As an FMS sufferer, I am sure you will relate to them. Please share some of your own as well. Thank You!

On the Road Again

The other day while driving to work I was hoping the heat had been turned on, the coffee pot was going and the day would less stressful. Yeah, keep dreaming Kelly. Keep dreaming. By the way…did I ever tell you I am an optimist? So, the day was more stressful than usual, I never did get that cup of coffee, nor was the heat turned on, I don’t know about you, but I can’t work in a 56 degree office. It was turned on the next day. Woohoo! Hey, I will take what I can get. On my journey to Stressville, I realized there had been frost on my window that morning and I would need to soon find my ice scraper. This means getting up earlier, starting the car and letting the defroster do the majority of the work. The thing about having FMS in your arms and shoulders is that you become acutely aware of your limitations. Mind you, this is just my personal opinion, but when my FMS moved upward from my legs to my shoulders, arms and hands, I felt I had to become more aware, more careful of my actions. I never thought before about how much I used my arms and shoulders in the average day.

Traveling by car on cold days such as this or when experiencing Breakthrough Pain can be a chore, even difficult at times, just turning the steering wheel can be excruciating. I have found using a lap quilt with cotton batting helps. (I use a cotton batting as it tends be warmer than a poly filling.) I place the quilt over my shoulder and arm closest the door. I might look like a dork with the “shoulder quilt” but honestly, I would rather be comfortable than chic. My husband and I are also fortunate enough to have vehicles with separate heat and air controls for driver and passenger. This is a great help when traveling. I can have as much warmth and heat as I want. Let’s face it, I’m a calorie slut. If I had my way, I would be surrounded in velvet or fur on cold days.

Something else I think about while traveling a lengthy distance is what my time schedule is going to be. Will I need pain medication before I get to my destination? Is it within reach or am I going to have to dig for it? Do I need to take food, drink milk or a full glass of water with the medication? Did I bring extra just in case I stay longer than anticipated? So many questions, the solution? Just take all my meds with me. Let’s face it, its just easier that way. I wasn’t a boy scout, but I do believe in being prepared and I have been caught without my medication before. By being prepared, I also cut down on the worries and stress. I know I will be taken care. Whether I am traveling by plane, train, automobile, bus or ship, I need to consider the length of my traveling time and being comfortable so that I can enjoy the traveling as much as the destination. It’s the little things in life that make us happy. Right now, warm and painless shoulders would make me so happy. So the next time you get on the road again, remember to think about the trip. You can be prepared and comfortable. Oh….and don’t forget to buckle up!