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Thursday, December 30, 2010

HaPpY NeW yEaR!

How many New Year’s resolutions do I have to make before I actually succeed at one? I have no idea, but your guess is as good as mine. I plan on staying home and going to bed early for once. I have no idea why I always stay up and watch the ball drop. Nothing changed, all I did was sit and watch the ball drop, maybe kiss a loved one Happy New Year. Honestly, I can do that anytime. I can even record it and watch it over and over again if I wanted to, but where would it get me? Maybe I’m a little jaded or just a little tired. This week….I’m a lot tired, but there are still resolutions to be made.
The nice thing about a new year is that you can do things differently in the coming year. Most of us make resolutions that are beyond our capabilities. We just set our sights too high instead of realistic goals. We make lists upon lists until we get the list we want. Making a list shouldn’t be hard; it shouldn’t always have to be bigger and better than the last.

I could make a list and tell you I would do things I have no intention of doing, but I won’t. I would rather not even make a list if truth be known. What will you resolve to do this coming year?

As for me, I will:
2: I will not let Fibromyalgia ruin my day
3: I will appreciate my family and friends more
4: I will be more patient with those that do not   understand the pain I experience
5: I will learn to pace myself better
6: I will try to practice what I preach
7: I may not resolve to be stress free, but I will try to lower my stress levels
8: I will not resolve to lose a certain amount of pounds; I will resolve to eat healthier

I could make a list like this.....
See, no unrealistic goals, nothing too difficult. At least I acknowledge that I can improve. We can always improve ourselves or our lives. I realized this and became more appreciative of what I do have when several years ago I was diagnosed with a pre-cancerous condition. That diagnosis made me come to the realization that I had to make some changes in my life. I don’t think I was scared enough to make life altering changes for more than a few years. Many things have happened in life since that day. I thought about those things today. Maybe if I thought about them more often, I would be more motivated. There are a lot of things I might do differently in the coming future; there is one thing I know I will do starting tomorrow. I won’t wait until the New Year to start. I will spend more time with my father. You see, he just turned 78 on Christmas Eve and although he lives with me, it becomes more evident each year that he may not be around much longer. I need to spend more quality time with him. As long as he’s around, he will be on the top of my list each year.

Happy New Year dad, I love you!