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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Winter is here!

Oh the weather outside is frightful no really, but I feel like it is. Oh yeah, winter is on the way, I feel it. In fact I was feeling the pain start in my shoulder and arm and decided to check the local news for the current weather prediction. Know what, I was right on time, they predicted a low pressure system moving in at the same time I began feeling the sharp pains. It is so nice to know I can predict the weather and I don’t even have the proper college education credits. Oh who needs it when you have Fibromyalgia anyway? In fact…who needs Fibromyalgia? Not me!

Which got me to wondering; what the future will bring? Rain and then about 1”-3” of snow tonight and another 3” – 5” additional tomorrow. Oh yay, my connective tissues are rejoicing as I ponder this. Good thing I loaded up the firewood for the fireplace earlier today and got the snow fence up! Of course, that may be part of why I am feeling the stabbing pains right now. Keep my mind occupied and maybe I will hurt less. At least that’s what I am thinking at this point. It is supposed to be 10 degrees below tonight. At least the pain won’t be as bad since the snow has started. I received a text that I should take tomorrow off. Something I would normally rejoice at, but I do need the income at least to pay for the medications. (LoL)
Today was officially the first day of winter in my book; it snowed today after a layer of freezing rain. So glad I don’t have to shovel the mess, that’s what they make husbands snow throwers for. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind doing the driveway if I didn’t have Fibromyalgia. Being out in the country and having a neighbor with evergreen trees reminds me of my childhood. Walking in the snow, being outside at night with the snow blanketing the ground and the trees, muffling the sounds; I always found peace and quiet on a winter day with the snow falling. I remember building snow forts and making snow angels in freshly fallen snow. Being outside until my fingers and toes were frozen and then running inside to divest myself of coat, gloves and hat to await a cup of freshly made hot cocoa. Mmmmmmm….warms my insides just thinking about it. I do remember freezing at night though. Not being able to stay warm. That may be why I now have a warm quilt and down comforter covering my bed in the winter. I sit here now typing this under a down blanket. The only thing I seem to be missing is a nice warm cup of cocoa. I think I’ll go make myself some and then settle in for the night. Just as soon as I find the mini marshmallows to top it off.

Stay warm and think warm happy thoughts. They help ease the pains associated with Fibromyalgia. Who knows….maybe they will find hot cocoa is good for it!