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Friday, January 7, 2011

To cat nap or not to cat nap....

To cat nap or not to cat nap, that is the question. 

Hey, I am all for cat napping, especially on a cold and chilly day. House cats have it way too easy anyway. They can sleep wherever, whenever they want…..without interruption. I am jealous really. They have fur to keep them warm. They get lots of loving and when they hiss, people leave them alone!

Think about it. What other animal can get away with trying to hide behind something too big. They think because they can’t see you, you can’t see them. Ha! You and both know we can see their fuzzy little tails swishing from the thrill of game hide and seek. Peeking their heads around table legs and batting miniscule things floating in the air. They can pretend they don’t hear you or see you. You are there to serve them. And don’t forget the catnip! I haven’t seen a cat that can pass up catnip. It’s like me and chocolate. Only thing is, I don’t play with my chocolate. I devour it. I may as well roll around in it as much as I love it, but play with it? Never.

I think he wanted to devour it, but decided to catnap instead.

All that catnip (chocolate) leads me back to cat naps. I mean, after all that playing and getting high on catnip, chasing a little mouse around; you need to take a little cat nap. It’s the same for me. After doing laundry, the dishes, canning pickles, cooking supper, going shopping, shoveling snow and having a previous night of little to no sleep, I need a cat nap. Just a little nap…..not much. If I take it early enough, it won’t interfere with my sleep. But alas, after dreaming most of the day of just catching a little warmth and a little shut eye I was too late. It’s now time for bed and I am ready for it. Okay, I was ready for bed 2 hours ago, but that would have been way too early to retire for the evening.
Tonight, I vow to sleep like a cat. Stretched out with my legs splayed and belly up for all the world to see. I won’t wake up for anyone, no matter how much I purr, stretch, and get my tummy rubbed or tickled. I’m just going to lay there and enjoy it like a cat! I will glory in the thing known as sleep. I will set my Sleep Number bed for something a little softer tonight. I won’t hiss tonight unless I get woken up. Maybe if I’m lucky, I’ll get a tummy rub and some catnip. (I mean chocolate. LoL)